The 1000th Tree

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There is a “Buy One – Get One Tree” policy here at Annie Bee.

Every time I order an album for a client I plant a tree on your behalf to try and help offset your carbon footprint with my charity partner , Ecologi. 

The state of the planet and global warming terrifies me. We farm at home and see the changes in our own weather patterns let alone what is happening in other parts of the world. I think like many people I feel a little bit helpless.  I do everything I can think of to make the studio carbon neutral but it sometimes feels like a drop in the ocean and the problem feels just TOO vast for the likes of  a little person like me to contribute anything in the way of a solution. 

But I keep trying! And earlier this week, with the help of all you lovely customers, the little dot of a business that is Annie Bee Portrait – hardly noticed amongst all the big corporations and global enterprises that make up the 19,000 strong team of businesses subscribed to Ecologi’s mission – planted her 1000th tree. And it could not have been the result of a more beautiful occasion!!

We made it over the 1000 tree line by planting trees to mark the arrival of Shannon and Jamie’s wedding album from Italy!

Shannon and Jamie! Not exactly a wedding in the traditional sense but instead a beautiful elopement to Gretna Green.

Kept a secret from all their friends and family it was my incredible honour to be invited by the bride and groom – not just to cover the ceremony,- but to join them for a whole three days as they toured Scotland in their camper van with their four dogs.

Chasing along behind them in the little silver Tog-Mobile Mini, talking to each other on walkie-talkies, and then climbing up Scottish mountains and down to Scottish lochs with Shannon still in her wedding dress and Jamie still in his suit , all the dogs chasing alongside them, was my idea of absolute heaven!

Those beautiful mountains and lochs of Scotland serve only to reinforce how beautiful our planet is, and how lucky we are to have it. And how we all need to be doing more. I cannot think of a more beautiful occasion to be marked by planting my 1000th tree.

Annie x



The little bits I do – planting trees, recyclable  packaging, paper ‘bubble wrap’, and powering the entire studio from electricity generated from cow poo {yes – really!!!)  won me THIS in last years Master Photographers Association awards.


Not every photography studio in the world runs on Cow Poo!!!


To see the trees planted to date pop over to